Welcome to the Jungle

welcome to me page. 

My name is Rodrigo and study Licenciatura en Artes Mencion Danza in the Universidad de Chile.
I am a person fanatic of the English but I have a little problem, I have a problem with the vocabulary because occasionally I forget the words but I love it the english. My life is full of music, as well as that the dance give me many music. Generally I don´t listening music in English but sometimes I like listen to Michael Jackson ufff is very very music good. I always watching a series "The Big Bang Thery" i love it and I laugh when I watch. I learn many with is series but is hard understand when I have that listening. sometime I don´t understan when they talk.
I have that studying more to progress in the English. Study for example twice a week I do excercises all day and listening more music to learn vocabulary.




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